Township Personnel / Staff Directory
Twp Supervisor - Dorance Amos (2028)
P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629 (231) 264-9333 (231) 264-6676 Fax [email protected] Twp Clerk - Debbie Husband (2028) P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629 (231) 264-9333 (231) 264-6676 Fax [email protected] Twp Treasurer - Kelly Jensen (2028) P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629 (231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676 [email protected] Twp Trustee - Richard Hults (2028) P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629 (231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676 Twp Trustee - Matt Soper (2028) P.O Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629 (231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676 |
TOWNSHIP BOARD MEETINGS (MONTHLY) The Elk Rapids Township Board of Trustees meets in Regular Session the 2nd Monday of Each Month at 9:00 AM, Governmental Center, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, MI. 49629. Periodically, there will be Special Township Board Meetings scheduled - please check the Message Board for Special Meetings and Special Notice Postings.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
Phone: (231) 264-9333 Fax: (231) 264-6676
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
Phone: (231) 264-9333 Fax: (231) 264-6676
Deputy Clerk - Karen Briggs
PO Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
(231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676
[email protected]
Deputy Treasurer- Shelley Boisvert
PO Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
(231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676
[email protected]
PO Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
(231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676
[email protected]
Deputy Treasurer- Shelley Boisvert
PO Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
(231) 264-9333 Fax (231) 264-6676
[email protected]
Twp Legal Staff - William F. Derman, PLC
P.O. Box 815, 101 Ames Street, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629
(231) 498-2378 (231) 498-2259 Fax [email protected]
Twp Zoning Administrator & Planning Consultant - Larry Nix
Cell: 616.822.6282 [email protected]
Office Mailing: P.O. Box 365, Elk Rapids, Mi 49629
Office Physical: 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi 49629
Zoning Administrator Office Hours -
Summer Hours: Tuesdays - Hours Vary Please phone for appointments
Fall - Winter - Spring Hours Vary - Please phone for appointments
Twp Zoning Field Inspector - Jim Lundy
(231) 264-9333
Elk Rapids Township Assessor - Karleen Helmreich
P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629
(231) 264-9333 (231) 264-6676 Fax
[email protected]
P.O. Box 815, 101 Ames Street, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629
(231) 498-2378 (231) 498-2259 Fax [email protected]
Twp Zoning Administrator & Planning Consultant - Larry Nix
Cell: 616.822.6282 [email protected]
Office Mailing: P.O. Box 365, Elk Rapids, Mi 49629
Office Physical: 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi 49629
Zoning Administrator Office Hours -
Summer Hours: Tuesdays - Hours Vary Please phone for appointments
Fall - Winter - Spring Hours Vary - Please phone for appointments
Twp Zoning Field Inspector - Jim Lundy
(231) 264-9333
Elk Rapids Township Assessor - Karleen Helmreich
P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629
(231) 264-9333 (231) 264-6676 Fax
[email protected]
Larry Nix, Zoning Administrator & Planning Consultant Cell: (616) 822-6282 Office: (231) 264-9333 Email: [email protected] Township Mailing: PO. Box 365, 315 Bridge St, Elk Rapids, MI 49629 Township Offices: 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, MI 49629 Summer Office Hours: TUESDAYS - Hours Vary - (call for appointment) Fall - Winter - Spring Hours - (call for appointment) ZONING FIELD INSPECTOR Jim Lundy - (231) 264-9333 |
Planning Commission meeting dates have changed. Unless otherwise noted, there will be a minimum of four meetings yearly either Every Quarter or on the 2nd Monday of a Month (at a time to be determined) in the Governmental Center, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan. Note: always check on the Township web site for the correct meeting date and/or time. Quarterly & regular meetings may be scheduled or rescheduled - please check the Message/Notice Board for upcoming posted PC meetings and current information. For the list of upcoming meetings on schedule please go to Planning Commission Meeting Schedules Planning Commission Mailing Address: Attn: Twp Planning Commission PO Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629 Shen Smith, Chairperson Zach Amos, Vice Chairman Jim Lundy, Secretary Emile Sabty, Assistant Secretary |
Zoning Board of Appeals Members:
Brennen Hitchcock 8/2027 (Secretary) Resident Elk Rapids Township Zachary Amos 8/2025 (Vice Chair) Resident Elk Rapids Township John Conrad 8/2025 Resident Elk Rapids Township Vince Cooper 8/2026 Resident Elk Rapids Township Richard Hults 8/2028 Resident Elk Rapids Township (Township Board Trustee Appointee to ZBA) Bob McCririe 8/2026 (Chair) Resident Elk Rapids Township Lisa Lundy 8/2027 Resident Elk Rapids Township TWP ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Regular Monthly Meetings - The Elk Rapids Township Zoning Board of Appeals holds Regular Monthly meetings on the Second Monday of each month, at 3:00 PM, Government Center, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629. Note: Some months there will be no ZBA business on the agenda to warrant holding a monthly meeting, check the Township Message/Notice Board for ZBA meeting cancellations or additional meetings scheduled. ZBA Mailing Address: Attention Twp Zoning Board of Appeals, P.O. Box 365, 315 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629.
David Krill (Alternate) (231) 264-9333 Donald Glowicki, Jr (231) 264-9333 Jim Lundy (231) 264-9333 Zach Amos (231) 264-9333 Brian Martineau (Alternate) (231) 264-9333 TWP FIRE CHIEF Ken Williamson, Fire Chief 231-264-5161 [email protected] TWP FIRE & EMS DEPARTMENTS ELK RAPIDS TOWNSHIP EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Ambulance service in Elk Rapids is provided under contract by Mobile Medical Response (MMR). business office telephone MMR is 800-232-5216 ELK RAPIDS TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT 209 Bridge Street, Elk Rapids, Mi 49629 (PO Box 502, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629) Phone: 231-264-5161 [email protected] TOWNSHIP FIRE BOARD (Joint Twp & Village) Larry Ball (June 30, 2030) John Amos (June 30, 2030) James Lundy (June 30, 2030) Gary Gretel (June 30, 2030) Mel Matchett (June 30, 2030) TOWNSHIP CEMETERY Maple Grove Cemetery Glenn Patton - Sexton [email protected] Cell Phone: (937) 825-0145 Elk Rapids Township Offices - (231) 264-9333 TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY Dan LeBlond, Chairman (231) 264-5692 PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD (joint) PO Box 337, Elk Rapids, Mi. 49629 - (231) 264-9979 [email protected] Richard Hults (Elk Rapids Twp) (2025) Julia Pollister Amos (Elk Rapids Twp) (2027) Karen Simpson (Village of Elk Rapids) Tom Stephenson (Village of Elk Rapids) Chuck Schuler (Village of Elk Rapids) Diane Geddes (Milton Twp) Liz Atkinson (Milton Twp) Barbara Johnson (Milton Twp) President ANTRIM COUNTY PLANNER Jeremy Scott, County Administrator PO Box 187, 203 E. Cuyahoga Street, Bellaire, Michigan 49615 (231) 533-6265 (231) 533-8111 Fax [email protected] ANTRIM COUNTY COMMISSIONER Elk Rapids Township William Hefferan (231) 564-3332 [email protected] |